Contact form

Please fill in the information below and click “Send the inquiry above.”

*The fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in.

Contact phone number
Contact e-mail address
Contact e-mail address [for confirmation]
Your inquiry* Please be advised that the form has a 200 character limit.
Image authentication
  • The answer to your inquiry will be given only to the person who is considering a new membership or is already a member with a card.
  • Please also note that we may not be able to respond to the content of your inquiry in cases where it is deemed it would be inappropriate for us to answer. We appreciate your understanding.
  • Depending on the nature of your inquiry, it may take us some time to respond to it. The answer to your inquiry will be sent by mail.
  • The personal information you have provided here shall only be used by us in conjunction with your inquiry.
  • Our e-mail in response to your inquiry shall be sent specifically to the eligible person. Please refrain from reproducing or reusing the content.
  • The answer to your inquiry will be sent during our business hours, which are Monday through Friday excluding public holidays, 9:00-18:00.
  • For frequently asked questions, please refer to the FAQ list. Please check the FAQ list before making an inquiry. If this does not help, please do not hesitate to use the Contact us form.